Side Projects

Side Projects

Here is a list of my informal learning, education, and side projects. It's ordered by what is most valuable to me. Formal stuff is written in more professional tone, while informal in more causal. You will get an idea about my experience, and expertise.


On the individual level from positive psychology perspective these are my Valuse in Action.

From larger society level these are dear to my heart and mind:

  • Freedom of speech
  • Right to privacy
  • Radical Transparency / No lying
  • Civil rights
  • Rule of law
  • Sovereignty of the individual

Informal learning and projects

Signaling, and jargon talk incoming, prepare yourself

It's 2014, and a thought comes. It's time to get serious about money. I will finally give Bitcoin a chance. Ok, I need Bitcoin habits. First habit: Read every day r/bitcoin for 2 minutes. Next, buy Andreas Antonopulos book Mastering Bitcoin. 50 pages later my mind blew away! Since, I'm haunted by Bitcoin obsession in my professional, and personal life.

Crypto side projects

Buying and HODLing Bitcoin since 2015.

Just HODL it nike style sign

Advocating, and educating on every opportunity

Collage image of Marijan lecturing about Bitcoin

Running full nodes

  • Bitcoin full node on rpi (bitcoind)
  • Lightning network node on rpi (lnd)
  • Bitcoin and Lightning testnet nodes.

Nodes are behind NAT. They will be soon public. Always trying to learn more about applied cryptography tools and understanding. On next ATH one more Raspberry PI and Monero full node is online.

Behavior Design with BJ Fogg

I attended virtual Workshop from Stanford University Behavior Design Lab hosted by BJ Fogg.

  • 10 Powerful Ways to Apply Behavior Design at Work with BJ Fogg
BJ Fogg smiling with two stuffed animals

Models and methods about behavior. Models explain how behavior works. Methods how to design behavior for change. The best money -- 899$ -- I've ever spent! Even better then Bitcoin at 100$.

Since I also enrolled in Tiny Habits Academy and I will probably be certified Tiny Habits Coach. Read more about some of my thoughts on behavior design in Role of tools and environment in behavior, and why I switched to Ubuntu/VSCode from Arch/VIM after 8 years.